First, you need to install DirectX9.0 SDK, and .NET Framework. I use Microsoft's Visual Studio 2003, because my university has got the license, but if you don't, just grab Visual C# 2005 Express and you're set. Some of the dialogs won't match, but they should be very similar.
If you want to stick to this tutorials as close as possible, open SDE.NET.sln solution file and create the project there. Click on File>New>Project, choose Visual C# Project and select Windows Application. You should have a brand new project and a form class called Form1.cs. On your project files there should be a folder called References, right click on it and select Add reference. You'll need some DirectX references, so you can add DirectX and so on (if you need anyone else, just add it). Also add SDE's dll (or include it on the Projects tab, also in the Add Reference dialog).
You could code your own Form from scratch, but theres a class that simplifies this a lot. It's called SdeForm and you Form should inherit from it:
using System;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using Microsoft.DirectX;
namespace WindowsApplication1
public class Form1 : SDE.Util.SdeForm
public Form1():base(new Vector2(800,600),false,0,"SDE Example App")
public override void Loop(){}
static void Main()
Application.Run(new Form1());
As you can see, we initialize the engine in the base class constructor. The first parameter is the resolution, next we set fullscreen to false (we want to see the window), next we set the antialiasing levels to 0 (no antialiasing) and finally we set the window's title. You can also initialize SdeForm from a file, just take a look at the class reference.
You can run you application, but all you'll see is an empty window. Let's add some objects on the next tutorial.